Individualised training packages to make everyday activities easier for children.

An important part of what we do is to give you the understanding and tools that will help you support your child now and into the future. We offer a range of focused skills-development services that can be personally funded. You choose the right service for your situation. We provide practical and tailored training support that makes a difference in everyday life.

children playing tug of war
Explore - Motif long strip

What you can expect

For all our skills-development services, we will provide a comprehensive and thorough assessment, a written training plan/guide with our recommendations, and coaching.

We work with you over 3-4 months and will schedule to meet with you on 6 occasions. Contact sessions can all be face to face at your home or blended with remote sessions via teleconferencing online.

Your clinician will

  • talk with you and your young person to gather background information and clarify your goals,
  • use standardised assessments, questionnaires, or checklists,
  • observe your child to build a picture of what’s happening,
  • give you a written training report with practical strategies and recommendations, discuss this with you and answer any questions you might have.

They will also

  • build a training plan that fits realistically into your whānau’s daily life,
  • support you to put the plan into action through information, demonstration, coaching, and helpful resources.

Our service


This service provides a practical approach to supporting positive sleep habits and routines and developing skills for independent sleep. If your child has difficulty settling to sleep, staying asleep all night, sleeping alone, or waking too early in the morning, we can help.

We work alongside you and your carers to understand the things that affect your child’s sleep, develop an individualised training plan, and help you put the strategies in place.


This service is for children who are not yet toilet trained, and where there are developmental, sensory, learning or anxiety-based factors that impact on toileting. We help you, your carers, and your child understand and learn the steps and skills they need to use the toilet.

Where there are health/medical considerations such as chronic constipation or bowel/bladder issues, we recommend that you discuss with your child’s GP or paediatrician to check that a skills-focused toileting programme is right for your child.

Picky and Restricted Eating

This service is for children who prefer to eat only a few favourite foods, and who are anxious about the sensations and variability of new foods.

We work alongside you and your carers to understand the things that affect your child’s eating. We use positive, pleasurable, child-led activities to encourage food exploration and create positive change at mealtimes. We use a land-to-hand approach to minimise food wastage.

We develop a plan with strategies to make mealtimes more enjoyable for all/both of you, and to extend the range of foods your child will eat over the longer term.

Sensory Processing

This service is for children and young people who have sensory processing differences that are getting in the way of them being able to engage in and enjoy everyday life experiences.

We will work with you and your carers to complete a sensory assessment that will inform an understanding of your young person’s sensory processing needs.

Together we will develop an individual training plan that considers how both the environment and daily activities can be adapted to accommodate your young person’s sensory processing differences.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the Your Choice individualised training packages?

Explore are offering support through focused skills-development packages, providing practical, tailored support to make a positive difference in your young person’s everyday life. Our aim is that through upskilling family carers and/or staff on support strategies, your young person will gain the opportunity to thrive.

How do the training packages work?

After we have discussed what package would be most suitable for your needs, one of our skilled specialists will work with you, to facilitate your young person developing their skills in the relevant area. They will complete a comprehensive assessment, through talking to you, observing your young person and in some circumstances may complete a standardised test. Following this they will agree an achievable goal in collaboration with you and provide an individualised training plan with strategies and recommendations. But it doesn’t end there, the specialist will also include coaching and provide practical resources to help develop you and your carers’ skills and ultimately to improve your whanau’s quality of life as a result.

What types of issues or concerns can be addressed through the training packages?

The specialists within Explore are highly skilled in supporting families of young people who have a disability diagnosis. Initially through this service we are offering training and upskilling to support in the areas of sleep, toileting, sensory processing, and picky/restricted eating. If any of these areas are currently challenging for your child, please contact us to see how we can best support you.

How long does it run for?

Initially the service lead will discuss with you what your options are for the most appropriate package and whether the Explore specialist will meet you at your home or if meeting remotely online is more convenient for you. Once payment is complete, a specialist will contact you to arrange a suitable time for the initial meeting. They will meet with you for six sessions, each lasting approximately 1 hour, across a period not longer than 3-4 months. During these six sessions the assessment, observation, goal planning and coaching will occur. You will also be provided with educational and practical resources to help you continue to develop your skills in best supporting your young person into the future.

Are the training packages suitable for children with special needs or developmental disabilities?

Yes, our training packages are designed to be inclusive and adaptable to meet the needs of children with a wide range of abilities and developmental profiles. Our skilled specialists have extensive experience in supporting whānau who have children/ young people with a wide range of disability diagnoses.

Do you work with me or my child?

Although the specialist will observe your child as part of their assessment and may demonstrate how to implement some recommended strategies, our focus is on upskilling you as the parent / carer who will be supporting the young person into the future. For these programmes to be effective it is imperative that you can commit to all six sessions and agree to implementing the recommended strategies. The strategies we recommend as skilled specialists are based on robust evidence and research.

How can I access this service?

Getting started is easy! Simply reach out to us through our website by filling out the contact form and the service lead will call you to discuss how best we can support you, your carers and your whānau. During this conversation you will be asked to expand on the concerns you have and provide any relevant medical background information that will help us to make sure this service is going to suit you. Payment will also be discussed at this time.or

How much do the individualised training packages cost? How do I pay?

Each training package is delivered by a highly skilled specialist with a wealth of experience in supporting children and young people across various disability diagnoses. The service and strategies that are provided are based on robust evidence and research. We require full payment before the service commences either through your own funds or by using your self-directed funding from Whaikaha – Ministry of Disabled. Costs are:

  • Sleep – $2,800
  • Toileting – $2,800
  • Picky and Restricted Eating – $2,800
  • Sensory Processing – $2,800

Explore uses a positive approach when supporting caregivers to manage concerning behaviour. We believe all behaviour is a means of communicating an unmet need or that something isn’t right. If your young person’s actions and behaviours are getting in the way of everyday life, then this service can help. Our support focuses on teaching new skills, supporting your young person’s communication, coping with big emotions, and managing change.

We will provide support, following a comprehensive assessment and provision of a safety plan if necessary, to implement agreed strategies depending on the reason for the behaviours of concern and the individual needs of your whānau.

Explore is the national provider for positive behaviour support funded through Whaikaha (Ministry of Disabled People) for those who meet the criteria for access through their local Needs Assessment and Service Coordination provider (NASC).

If you wish to purchase a full behaviour support package, we are happy to discuss this further and provide a quote.