The 5 L’s: How Addiction Affects Us

Addiction is a complex issue that impacts not only the individual but also their friends, whānau, and other loved ones. Whether it involves alcohol, drugs, gambling, or other compulsive behaviours, addiction can take over a person’s life in ways that are often devastating. One way to frame some of addictions most impactful consequences is ‘The 5 L’s’: Liver, Lover, Livelihood, Legal, and Loss of Control. These categories highlight the key areas of life that addiction can disrupt, providing insight into how support and recovery can make a difference.

Liver: The Physical Toll of Addiction

Substance addiction, particularly alcohol and drug use, has a significant impact on physical health. The liver is often one of the first organs to suffer, with long-term use increasing the risk of liver disease, brain damage, and even cancer. Poor sleep, unhealthy diets, and a lack of exercise – symptoms prompted by many addictions – can further contribute to declining health. The body’s ability to function well is gradually eroded, making everyday activities more difficult. Loved ones may feel helpless as they witness the physical deterioration of someone they care about, further straining relationships.

Lover: The Strain on Relationships

Addiction does not exist in isolation—it affects everyone around the individual. Friends, family members, and romantic partners often bear the emotional burden of dealing with mood swings, secrecy, or even erratic behaviour caused by substance use. People struggling with addiction may withdraw from their loved ones to use in private or avoid confrontation, leading to broken trust and painful conflicts. A common issue is hiding substances, such as bottles of alcohol stashed around the house, which can result in arguments and deep resentment. Over time, relationships can become strained or completely break down, leaving both parties feeling isolated.

Livelihood: The Impact on Work and Responsibilities

Maintaining employment, studying, or fulfilling parental responsibilities can become increasingly difficult for someone dealing with addiction. Absenteeism, declining work performance, and a lack of focus can put jobs and careers at risk. Parents struggling with addiction may find it harder to be present and engaged with their children, which can have long-term effects on family dynamics. Employers and colleagues may notice changes, but without understanding the root cause, they may simply see an individual who is unreliable or unmotivated, which can further isolate the person struggling with addiction.

Legal: The Consequences of Risky Behaviour

Substance use can also lead to serious legal consequences. Alcohol-related offences such as drink-driving or assault are common, while those using illegal substances can risk arrest for possession, even if their usage does not visibly impact their daily lives. The legal repercussions of addiction can be life-changing, leading to fines, criminal records, or even imprisonment. These consequences do not just affect the individual—they impact their families, employment prospects, and financial stability, adding more stress and pressure to an already difficult situation.

Loss of Control: The Feeling of Powerlessness

Perhaps one of the most profound effects of addiction is the loss of control. Many individuals find themselves in a cycle of attempting to quit or cut down, only to relapse repeatedly. The overwhelming feeling of powerlessness can be frustrating and demoralising. For loved ones, it can be heartbreaking to watch someone they care about struggle, often feeling unable to help. This sense of helplessness can drive both the individual and their family further into isolation, making recovery seem even more out of reach.

Seeking Support and Finding Hope

Understanding the 5 L’s can help individuals and their loved ones recognise the wide-reaching effects of addiction and the importance of seeking help. Recovery is possible – and PIVOT is here to help.

If you or someone you love is struggling with addiction, remember—you are not alone. Find out how PIVOT can help get people back on track.

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