Exploring Autism (0-9 Years)

Exploring Autism is a  programme for parents, caregivers and whānau of children with a recent diagnosis of autism. It is available throughout New Zealand at no cost to families.

autism support
Explore - Motif long strip

Related Services

Learning Together

Programmes are available for families with a child aged between 0-5 years as well as families with a child aged 6-9 years.  The content covers core topics with adaptations and additional information appropriate to each age group.

The programme aims to help participants to grow their understanding of autism, to consider their child’s individual needs and to identify practical strategies that can be used in everyday life. It introduces a range of services and supports that are available in New Zealand for children with autism as well as websites and resources that families may find useful.

Out of respect for others who may have sensory sensitivities , it would be appreciated if attendees could  avoid wearing perfume, or other strong fragrances  and ensure that cell phones are kept on silent mode, while attending face- to- face groups.

Who can attend?

Parents, caregivers and whānau of a child aged 0-9 years (up to 10th birthday) who have a recent autism diagnosis. Please note, the child does not attend with their parents.

Programme Details

6 sessions cover the following topics:

  • Introduction to autism
  • Social communication
  • Sensory processing
  • Thinking and learning
  • Supporting stress, anxiety and behaviour
  • Next steps – into the future

The content is mostly provided through group sessions, so families have the opportunity to connect and to learn with and from each other.  These groups can occur in person or through remote delivery/video conferencing.

An individual follow up session is available so families can apply their learning to their own child and their own unique situation.

The programme can also be provided for an individual family or whānau group if that suits the situation best. This might involve home visits and/or video conferencing.

To be fair to the other families, that are waiting for a place, please be aware that we can only provide one group place per family/ per household on Exploring Autism.

Where is the programme available?

This programme is available throughout New Zealand. There is no cost to attend the programme.

autism kids

Parents/caregivers can apply by

Before completing this form, please check:


  • That the child named has an autism diagnosis and is in the intended age range
  • That the parent(s)/caregiver(s) have the availability to attend and, if not making the referral themselves, have given consent for this to be done on their behalf.