Easy and confidential access to drug & alcohol support for employees
Employees struggling with drug or alcohol use can be a serious health and safety risk and even a legal liability for your organisation. They can also:
PIVOT by Explore is an education and counselling service that provides drug or alcohol support. Our service is for people struggling with lifestyle choices that are affecting:
What’s important is quickly addressing any issues with employees before their drug and alcohol use escalate causing further harm to themselves and your organisation.
With PIVOT, your employees can access drug & alcohol support faster and easier without a referral from a doctor or long waitlists.
Our experienced team of clinicians and wellbeing coaches will collaborate with your employees to develop a personalised plan focused on their specific goals, using evidence-based techniques.
Our services include:
Seeking support can be a difficult decision to make. We’re here to provide a safe, confidential, and judgement-free space for your employees.
We can do sessions online or in person
Your employees can choose to meet us in person in our Auckland or Wellington office or online, at a time that suits them. They’ll also be able to talk to their personal wellbeing coach during our programme.
Cost of service
To see our pricing information please click here.
It can be challenging to discuss any concerns you have about an employee’s drug or alcohol use. To help make this discussion easier for you, we’ve put together a helpful guide below.
Are you concerned about how an employee’s drug or alcohol use is impacting their work or the workplace?
Schedule a meeting to discuss the issue with them. If they are currently under the influence, they’ll need to be sent home and return once they’re sober.
Keep an eye on their behaviour, performance, and adherence to health and safety policies at work to see if a discussion is needed.
The health and safety of your team is top priority. The employee will need to be removed if they are unable or unsafe to work.
Scheduling a meeting may be unexpected if the person is not aware of the impact their use is having on their work and your organisation.
Identify issue: “I have some concerns about your drug / alcohol use and how it is affecting your work as well as the workplace. I noticed [specific incident].
Solution: “Would you be willing to talk to someone about this?
There is a drug and alcohol service called PIVOT that we can refer you to. It’s completely confidential, done in your own time, and paid for by us.”
This meeting is to identify the issue and find solutions together. Listen to them and be understanding.
The employee is likely dealing with underlying challenges in their life that are leading to their drug or alcohol use.
This could be the first time they have discussed some problems and may not be ready to open up yet.
Are they willing to get support?
Deciding to get support is a big step. The employee might not be ready to admit the issue or accept support. Taking a few days off work could give them time to reflect and make a decision.
If they are willing to try PIVOT by Explore, refer them to us and we’ll take care of them from there.
If they’re not willing to try support, you might need to look at disciplinary options and processes.